Home » When to Start Baby Food: The Quick Guide to Introducing Solids

When to Start Baby Food: The Quick Guide to Introducing Solids

by RW
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Are you wondering when to start baby food? The journey of introducing solids can feel overwhelming, but rest assured, you’re not alone. We all face the excitement and uncertainty of a new milestone like starting baby food. It’s a new chapter filled with questions about when and how to transition. So, let’s explore when to start baby food and how to make the process as smooth as possible.


Knowing when to start baby food is crucial. Most babies are ready to start baby food between 4 to 6 months old. However, keep in mind that every baby is different. Look for the 4 signs of readiness, which indicate it might be time to start baby food.

  1. Improved head control: When your little one can hold their head steady and sit upright with support, it’s a good indication they might be ready.

  2. Less tongue-thrust reflex: You’ll notice that your baby pushes food out of their mouth less frequently. This means their tongue-thrust reflex is diminishing, a sign that they might be ready to try new textures.

  3. Increased appetite: If you notice your baby seems hungry even after breastfeeding or formula feeds and shows interest in your food, it could be a clue that they’re ready to explore baby food.

  4. Coordinated movements: When your baby can track and reach for objects, it suggests they’re developing the coordination necessary to handle solid foods.

What foods to introduce and when?

When you start baby food, it’s important to choose the right foods for your little one’s journey.

  • Start with a single-grain cereal, such as oats. Mix it with breast milk or formula for a quick and easy meal. This combination provides a familiar taste and texture.

  • Here is my top pick to introduce first: Beech-Nut Organic Oatmeal Baby Cereal.

  • Begin with a thin consistency and gradually thicken it as your baby gets used to swallowing. This way, you can adjust the texture according to your baby’s comfort level.

  • When you’re ready to expand their palate beyond single-grain oat cereal, the next options are stage 1 pureed fruits and vegetables. Opt for store-bought varieties if you’re short on time, or make your own purees when you have a moment to spare.

  • Introduce one new ingredient at a time, waiting at least 36 hours (three days) before starting another. This allows you to observe any potential allergies or sensitivities without overwhelming yourself.

Start baby food with confidence!

Starting baby food can feel overwhelming, especially when you’re a busy and tired mom. However, by following these guidelines and trusting your instincts, you can navigate this stage with confidence. Remember, it’s essential to take care of yourself too! Prioritize your own well-being and find ways to make the introduction of solids as stress-free as possible. 


When to start baby food depends on your baby’s readiness signs between 4 to 6 months old. Trust your instincts, look for the four signs of readiness, and take a simplified approach to introducing baby food. Introduce appropriate foods gradually, beginning with single-grain cereals and expanding to pureed fruits and vegetables.

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